F R I E N D S & S U P P O R T E R S O F T H E A U T I S M C O M M U N I T Y
Wishing on a Star
Car Wash
I Wanna Get Next To You
I'm Going Down
🌹 Wishing on a Star 🌹 Car Wash 🌹 I Wanna Get Next To You 🌹 I'm Going Down

Here's how your generous donations are making an impact
Six sensory room installations for autistic children
CODE Joshua Trainings for 3,000 First Responders
Vital financial aid and relief to families facing hardships.
500+ toys plus sensory boxes for Joshua’s Gift Annual Holiday Toy Giveaway
250 backpacks filled with school supplies and sensory items for students in special day classes
Parents with the gift of childcare and a dinner for two, allowing them to enjoy a relaxing date night.
Social outings to take our families to sporting events, movies, concerts, amusement parks, and restaurants
3 hours of speech or occupational therapy for a child or an adult on the autism spectrum.
A movement and music group lesson for up to 10 children.
How we Support our Families
Educational Needs
The Brown family lives in Oakland and they have 3 children on the autism spectrum. During COVID, the Brown family had 1 table for their children to do all of their activities. The Brown family needed school desks and chairs so that their twins on the autism spectrum could be separated and learn separately. Joshua's Gift provided individual desks and chairs for them.
Emotional Needs
Lisa lost her mother who was her sole provider. When Lisa's mom passed away, Lisa was institutionalized. She went into a depression, lost a lot of weight, and was refusing to eat. The cousin of hers got the news where Lisa was located and took on the responsibility of bringing Lisa and moving her into a care home. During COVID, Lisa was unable to attend her regular day program. Her favorite activity was to assemble jumbo legos. It was a calming solution for her over-sensitive system. But, the family could not afford to get the legos for Lisa and they heard about Joshua's Gift and reached out to us to purchase them. We purchased the largest size jumbo legos we could find and sent them to Lisa. Here sadness and depression turned into joy and happiness.
Medical Needs
Gina and her family had to travel to Philadelphia to visit the only physician in the country who could treat her. We were glad to cover the expenses for their daughter's medical appointment.
Financial Needs
A family going through difficult times during the holidays reach out to Joshua's Gift and we invited them to our toy drive to receive Christmas gifts. Additionally , we provided them with a check to cover meals and household essentials throughout the holiday season.
Join us for an exclusive meet and greet with the artists during the cocktail reception, including a private photo opportunity.
As a Platinum Sponsor, you will enjoy exclusive perks including your own personal waiter dedicated to your tables, premium wine service served at your tables, a personal concierge to assist with check-in and check-out, and VIP parking near the entrance.
As a Platinum Sponsor, you will have an opportunity to present one of our service awards and deliver a two-minute speech about your organization.
Opportunity to showcase a 20-sec promotional video during the event.
Two tables of 10 each.
Your Name/Company Name featured in the title of the event, for example: “An Evening of Joshua’s Gift Annual Gala, brought to you by Your Sponsor Name."
Receive verbal recognition from the emcee host during the event.
Your logo prominently featured on stage before and during the event.
Dedicated posts with your logo and link on social media channels.
Your name featured on Joshua’s Gift website with premium placement and a direct link to your website.
Your logo or name prominently displayed on Joshua's Gift website.
Your company name highlighted in the gala program.
Your company spotlighted in a one-page ad in the gala program.
Your logo exclusively showcased on our gala registration site.
Opportunity to showcase a 20-sec promotional video during the event.
Two tables of 10 each.
Your Name/Company Name featured in the title of the event, for example: “An Evening of Joshua’s Gift Annual Gala, brought to you by Your Sponsor Name."
Receive verbal recognition from the emcee host during the event.
Your logo prominently featured on stage before and during the event.
Dedicated posts with your logo and link on social media channels.
Your name featured on Joshua’s Gift website with premium placement and a direct link to your website.
Your logo or name prominently displayed on Joshua's Gift website.
Your company name highlighted in the gala program.
Your company featured in a half-page ad display in the gala program.
Two tables of 10 each.
Your Name/Company Name featured in the title of the event, for example: “An Evening of Joshua’s Gift Annual Gala, brought to you by Your Sponsor Name."
Receive verbal recognition from the emcee host during the event.
Your logo prominently featured on stage before and during the event.
Dedicated posts with your logo and link on social media channels.
Your name featured on Joshua’s Gift website with premium placement and a direct link to your website.
Your logo or name prominently displayed on Joshua's Gift website.
Your company name highlighted in the gala program.
One table of 10
Your Name/Company Name featured in the title of the event, for example: “An Evening of Joshua’s Gift Annual Gala, brought to you by Your Sponsor Name."
Receive verbal recognition from the emcee host during the event.
Your logo prominently featured on stage before and during the event.
Your name featured on Joshua’s Gift website with premium placement and a direct link to your website.
Your logo or name prominently displayed on Joshua's Gift website.
Your company name highlighted in the gala program.
One table of 10.
Your Name/Company Name featured in the title of the event, for example: “An Evening of Joshua’s Gift Annual Gala, brought to you by Your Sponsor Name."
Receive verbal recognition from the emcee host during the event.
Your logo or name prominently displayed on Joshua's Gift website.
Your company name highlighted in the gala program.