F R I E N D S & S U P P O R T E R S O F T H E A U T I S M C O M M U N I T Y

What is Code Joshua?
CODE JOSHUA is a call for emergency assistance, uniquely created for individuals and families living with autism. Its purpose is to sensitize first responders to recognize, respond to, and safely approach individuals on the autism spectrum and other persons with intellectual developmental disabilities (IDD). It immediately alerts police officers, firefighters, health care workers, and other personnel to respectfully approach autistic citizens in a crisis with sensitivity and caution.
Joshua’s Gift Partners
with the
Fremont Police Department
How does it work?
The Code Joshua registry operates by encouraging families and individuals within the autism community to voluntarily register their information in the database. When a 911 emergency call involving an individual with autism is received, the dispatch center can quickly access the Code Joshua database to determine if the person is registered. If the individual is registered, the dispatchers can provide pertinent information to the first responders, typically law enforcement officers, to aid in their response.
Law enforcement personnel are trained on how to approach individuals with autism with compassion, dignity, and respect. This training ensures that first responders can effectively communicate and interact with individuals on the autism spectrum during emergency situations, ultimately enhancing the safety and well-being of those involved.
First Responder Training at the Chase Center
The Golden State Warriors hosted a training at the Chase Center featuring Joshua’s Gift in April 2024 for the San Francisco Police Department, the San Francisco Fire Department, the Alameda County Sheriff's Office, and the Fremont Police Department.
Police Engagement
Our Code Joshua Training Program teaches police officers how to use simple instructions when called to the scene of an individual on the autism spectrum. We train officers how to approach with empathy and patience, how to preserve the rights of individuals on the autism spectrum, how to de-escalate the situation by meeting the individuals’ sensory and communication needs, and how to respond without force.
Firefighters Respond
Here at Joshua’s Gift, we want to stress the emphasis on firefighters and the specific protocols they would need to incorporate into their training program to ensure the safety of those diagnosed with autism. Additional training for firefighters entering the field is provided so they know what to expect when assisting someone diagnosed with autism. During an emergency, firefighters are prepared to assess and respond to possible life-threatening situations quickly. Most individuals on the autism spectrum will commonly freeze up, requiring additional firefighters to transport them to safety efficiently. When responding to a Code Joshua emergency call, firefighters must have the necessary information to arrive fully prepared.
Paramedics & EMTs
Through Code Joshua, we provide paramedics with a specific profile of the individual to be aware of their medical needs to provide proper assistance. The information they receive from a Code Joshua Alert goes directly to EMTs for them to arrive at the scene fully equipped. We train them to recognize the varying behaviors of individuals on the autism spectrum so their knowledge and understanding of sensory triggers can help them provide immediate assistance.